

  • V Series Silky Hand Feeling and Solvent/Chemical Resistance TPU

    V Series Silky Hand Feeling and Solvent/Chemical Resistance TPU

    Dabere na usoro izugbe nke ozi na mmepe ọgụgụ isi nke ngwaahịa eletrọnịkị, Miracll akwadola ọtụtụ ụdị ama ama iji hazie nyocha na mmepe nke ihe n'ọhịa nke ngwa elektrọn na eletriki.Ngwaahịa ndị dị elu nke ihe ndị a gbanwere silicone nọchitere anya, ihe ndị na-eduzi pụrụ iche na ihe ndị sitere na bio na-enye uru ọrụ dị mma dị ka ire ụtọ, nguzogide unyi, mgbochi nke allergies, ike dị elu na ịdị arọ.A na-eji ya eme sheath electronic, smart wristband/watch, ngwaọrụ VR, headset, smart ọkà okwu, iko AR, ngwa ụlọ, wdg.